
Migrate email from IMAP-based webmail providers

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console. Sign in using an administrator account, not your current account
  2. From the Admin console dashboard, go to Data migration. To see Data migration, you might have to click More controls at the bottom.
  3. Select the Email option and click Continue.
  4. On the Email Migration screen:
    1. From the Migration source list, select I don't know/Other IMAP server
    2. From the Connection protocol list, select IMAP, then choose an option:
      • Enter the IMAP server name (for example,
      • Enter the IMAP server name and port number in this format: Name:Port.
    3. Enter the email address and password for your role account
    Tip: For help with this, see Connection information for common webmail providers.
  5. Click Connect
  6. (Optional) If the connection fails, verify that the role account and connection protocol information is correct. Then, click Connect again. 
  7. In the Migration start date and Migration options sections, accept the default options or choose to exclude data that doesn't need to be migrated
  8. Click Select Users.


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